Thursday, January 29, 2009


i know You can take my questions.
You can handle my doubts.
You know that i'm kind of confused....
You hear my prayers,
You listen and care and work.
but i am nothing compared to You --
not to say that You don't care about me.
oh, how deeply You care for me and love me
and value me.
You are the only One who defines me.
but You are so big,
You are so above everything and everyone.
how can we even begin to think
we have You figured out?
do you really change Your mind, like he said?
i have always known You as my Rock, the consistent One
who never changes.
and that has always been a good thing.
You always have the best in mind.
You are a sovereign God.
Your thoughts and ways are higher,
so much higher than mine.
i can trust You at all times.
here is my heart.
it is fully Yours.
questions and all.
surrendered to You.
You are bigger than my questions.
You are the answer.
You are Truth.

Take my heart, I lay it down
At the feet
of You who's crowned
Take my life
I'm letting go
I lift it up
to You who's throned

Take my fret, take my fear
All I have I'm leaving here
Be all my hopes, be all my dreams
You're my delights
Be my everything

And I will worship You, Lord
Only You, Lord
And I will bow down before You
Only You, Lord

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Being Apathetic's a Pathetic Way to Be.

Classes start a week from today. I'm getting ready to go back to school...well, at least mentally and emotionally. I haven't actually started packing or anything, but I'm ready to get back on a schedule, see friends from school, and get into my classes - even though that means homework is going to be a part of my life once again.. This break has been really relaxing, and it's been great spending time with my family and friends at home -- and it's always nice to have a break from responsibility. :)

I always seem to think that something great or exciting will happen over breaks - and usually that never really happens. But what am I anticipating? I came home for Christmas break to spend time with my family and to relax after a busy semester. And that's exactly what I did! Here are some things I accomplished this break:

1. Finished watching the complete series of The Gilmore Girls (for the second time) with Annie.
2. Watched a lot of Freaks and Geeks on youtube.
3. Bought a bookbag...for a quarter! (Yay for Christmas gift cards.)
4. Almost finished a book (it's really long!, and I still might -- I have about 4 days left on break).
5. Got to hang out with my friend, Kate, who has been in Costa Rica since August.
6. Spent a lot of time with my family and a few friends.
7. Made two really great quesadillas.
8. Babysat.
9. Had an awesome Christmas with my family.
10. Finally played drums on Rock Band.

(Yes, I do realize several of those are pathetic, but some of them are pretty cool.)


May this new year be one of growth, strength, and a deeper knowledge of God's grace, love, and faithfulness for all of us. Please keep me in prayer as I begin a new semester and a new year. Let me know if there is anything specific that I can be praying about for you.